Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Prince of the Past...

This is a special post, in flavor with the season I will now recount the tale of the Rotting Corpse boy who has come to live in my home. He first told me this story as we journeyed back from Castcom. His name was Prince Agmett. He lived in the kingdom of the ancient Minoans. Perhaps you have heard of them...perhaps not. But Prince Agmett was a noble Prince and he lived during a time of darkness. In his life his Mother, the Queen passed away. HE was unable to cope with her death, so young and so bold he was! In light of her death he declared that he refused to believe in actual death ever again. She had left him but certainly there was a way to thwart this cruel force? He went to every magician, he sought every oracle and sage, and yet no answer to death could be found. He never ceased to search, knowing that in his heart he banished the acceptance of death altogether. But death reaches us all does it not? It came even to Agmett. The capital was attacked by invaders and soon Agmett found himself fighting in the midst of a large army. He was slain that day by a sword of bronze. He drifted for a long time, through mist and through night, refusing to accept his death even though it had happened. However, it seems his will was so strong that he found himself face to face with the great Rhoades, the bull god of death. Rhoades stared at him. “You are refusing death?” Agmett stood silent. “Your belief in no death is so strong even though you have trekked through it for so long?” “This may be an illusion to tempt me to surrender my idea, but that is something I can never do.” Rhoades was impressed. “A challenge then, I shall charge you and you must leap over me, if you can do that and dodge my flames then I shall grant you the power to remain alive. In essence you shall be immortal.” Agmett accepted, knowing that this is what he had been seeking. Rhoades stood half a universe away and charged. Agmett , who hung in the air prepared himself. The Minoans used to have a bull-jumping festival each year, dedicated to Rhoades. Who could have known that Agmett would one day be leaping over the god himself?The flames nearly reached him but he made it over completely unharmed. Rhoades conceded defeat. It was at that moment that Agmett awoke once more. From his slumber he stirred, only to find himself trapped in a large stone tomb from which he could not escape. And so he waited, for a very long time, until a band of archaeologists discovered the city. They broke the stone sealing the tomb. Agmett waited again. Then, at night he pulled himself free from the tomb. He was badly decomposed by this point. He could never return to the world of men in his current state. It was then he heard Rhoade's voice in his head. The god had joined with him, was it his power sustaining Agmett? The bull-god suggested piecing together a new body, since Agmett could not transition out of the one he had. The former prince deliberated a long time but finally made his decision. Was it due to a cruel twist of fate? A group of archaeologists were there late one night and he saw Agmett and shouted for the others. Agmett quickly had to silence him. Ultimately it was Rhoades that did it. Agmett reached out his hand and Rhoades appeared and slew the man. Was the blood on Agmett's hands now? This body would decompose just as the prince's had. Could he truly allow it to go to waste? And that is how he began, by piecing together what he could from that dead man. The other archaeologists in that group found him but Rhoades dealt with them as well. Soon he had built himself a new shell, but that was not the end of Agmett's tale. The dig, financed by a powerful organization, claimed all that was found. They discovered a way to suppress the power of Rhoades and capture the prince. That is how he became the prisoner of Castcom and that is where I found him several months ago...
Happy Halloween!

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