Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Witchy Weather We've Been Having Lately...

The other day, as I was driving through Cornwall I had yet another unusual encounter. As it were, I was driving my car listening to some very pleasant music. I was heading towards some dark clouds overhead. However my quiet car ride was interrupted by a girl in argyle pants running towards me as fast as she could. At her side was a young man in long coat dragging her by the hand. Both of them looked out of breath, the man waved at me to stop. I stopped. I began to get out of my car, there seemed to be no one else around. The man rushed up beside me and flung open my side door. "Please take her." He said with a face that looked as if it had been carved out of stone. Before I could even ponder why a Merry-go-Round and Carousel had two different names (even though they are quite similar) the girl muttered "The Witch of Cornwall." This gave me an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. I looked up and, heading towards us was another figure, one of a woman in a dark dress. Her auburn hair flying about as she seemed to sail in on the very air itself. "Get her away from here!" Shouted the young man. "What of yourself?" I asked. "I shall be well enough..." He did not sound entirely confident. I shrugged and got into my car. Quickly I started the engine and began to pull away, heading towards the way I had just come. In my rear view mirror I could see flashes. Was it lightning or had that dark woman met the young man? Some strange things have happened in the past, i must admit but this was almost too strange, and yet a girl was laying out of breath and asleep in the backseat, what could all of this mean?

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