Tuesday, May 01, 2007

So we arrived in Samovar, safe and sound. If there wasn’t only one I’d highly recommend map travel, although the jet lag is something fierce. And so Samovar is where our story picks up. There’s not much there, in the background a large black object loomed, the towering tomb of Samovar. The people are friendly in Samovar, at least I bet they would be if we spoke the same language, right now their more indifferent than anything else, although there was an old woman who began barking at me… Anyway we found Basil huddled in a back corner of a tavern, in his hands he held a shot of vodka. We immediately asked what happened. He looked at us vaguely at first, and then, once he recognized me his features lit up. “Faux! You’ll never believe it. It’s horrid!” “What Basil, where’s Bella?” Basil looked up sadly. “She’s gone, they took her.” “Who?” I asked in a rather cliché manner. “The gypsies.” He paused. “I obtained invitations to the Count de Orlock’s grand ball. So Bella and I had prepared ourselves and were on our way. We passed a silent crowd on the way over, a strange sight but I though nothing of it. Nothing, that is, until I noticed they were following us. Bella and I ran, but the crowd separated and from it rose a giant Gypsy! ‘The girl is who we want!’ from behind him leaped a girl with a rope, I moved to fight them off but there were far too many.” I looked at Basil as he stopped again. “Basil, what are we going to do?” Basil hung his head low and his shoulders heaved as he sobbed silently. Then suddenly, as if transfigured, he raised his head, a crazed look captured in his eyes. “I have a plan…”

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